
做自己的歡樂精靈 C'est La Fete

閉幕片 Closing Film
【美滿人生】Singapore Dreaming

吳榮平/胡恩恩 Colin Goh/ Yen Yen Woo
2006 聖塞巴斯蒂安科國際電影節最佳新銳編劇

10.21 | 日 | 19:00


  Disappointed by his failed dreams, Loh Poh Huat takes out his frustrations on his family. So when he wins the lottery, everyone believes the money will relieve them of their troubles. However, Loh dies abruptly and his elaborate and surreal Taoist funeral pitches the family into a battle where the stakes are the very meaning of life itself.

【他.她】Lover’s Lover

麥曦茵 Mak Hei Yan
2007 香港獨立短片及錄像比賽(IFVA)公開組金獎

10.15 | 一 | 19:00
10.17 | 三 | 21:00


  Love will bring us together; love will tear us apart…This story is not about lovers, but about lovers’ lovers. In the cycle of love, anyone can be the next person.

【巴黎奇遇】Magic Paris

艾莉絲.溫諾克爾 Alice Winocour
2007 法國Creteil女性影展
2007 法國加登影展觀眾票選獎

10.14 | 日 | 17:10
10.15 | 一 | 19:00
10.18 | 四 | 22:10


  Kate comes alone to Paris for the weekend. In this city she doesn’t know, she is going to meet a man ... and a surprise!

【寂寞星球】Lonely Planet

曾翠珊 Tsang Tsui Shan
2005 香港獨立短片及錄像比賽(IFVA)公開組銀獎

10.17 | 三 | 17:10
10.18 | 四 | 22:10


  Summer is the season for love, and the time Chi Fan broke up with her lover. Trying to forget the sadness, Chi Fan comes back to Hong Kong. She revisits the old places with her best friend, Kee Yin. The places seem familiar but strange. They come across many happy faces. They talk about work, love, and their lives.

【特百惠成功俱樂部】Tupperware: A Bowl of Success

薇莉.傅吉蘭 Vali Fugulin

10.18 | 四 | 16:10


  A Tupperware Consultant, dressed to the nines, is demonstrating the incontrovertible advantages of the Rock ‘N serve, Stuffable and Wonderlier containers. “This plastic container is an investment in happiness,” she proclaims. Is this a scene from the 1950s? Nope. No need to pinch yourself to make sure you’re awake. You are witnessing a Tupperware party.

【搖擺一路】A Street Angel with a Cowboy Mouth-Tour Diaries 2004-2005 Rhythm King & Her Friends

寶琳.包德禮 Pauline Boudry

10.17 | 三 | 17:10

  這部以日記格式拍攝的紀錄片,講述一群音樂青年在他們第一張創作大碟「I am Disco」後,展開了一連串的歐洲各大城市巡迴演唱/演奏會。本片收錄各地演唱會的片段,和一般音樂台或野台開唱,經常會放映助陣的創作樂團紀錄片不同的是,本片記錄更多後台的心情與故事、旅途的種種,以及他們與各種各樣人事物的遭遇。

  Filmed in diary format, the film documents Rhythm king and her friends‘ European tour, undertaken shortly after the release of their first LP “I am Disco” with Kitty-Yo. Concert footage from Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen, Berlin, Paris, Geneva, London, Manchester, Glasgow, Athens or Rome is supplemented with the rarely seen side of touring: backstage life, travel, the encounters along the way.

【魔魅峽谷】Phantom Canyon

史黛西.史提爾斯 Stacey Steers
2007 日舞影展競賽片

10.15 | 一 | 10:10
10.18 | 四 | 22:10


  A curious woman meets an alluring man with bat wings in this personal recollection of a pivotal journey. This animated film was created from over 4000 hand-made collages incorporating the figures from Eadweard Muybridge’s Human and Animal Locomotion, first published in 1887.

【幽冥速描】Limbo Sketches

里歐拉.貝爾佛德 Liora Belford
2007 波多黎各國際短片影展

10.17 | 三 | 17:10


  A young woman and a small child walk naked in empty heavenly surroundings. A narrative-free visual poem of vitality and death.

【緩速】Slow Down

里歐拉.貝爾佛德 Liora Belford

10.17 | 三 | 17:10

  2007 班加盧卡國際短片電影節

  A panic attack is a period of intense, often temporarily debilitating, feelings of extreme fear or psychological distress, typically with abrupt onset. Though it is often a purely terrifying feeling to the sufferer, panic attacks are actually an evolutionary bodily reaction, often known as the fight-or-flight response, occurring out of context.


里歐拉.貝爾佛德 Liora Belford
2007 德國開眼電影節
2007 波多黎各國際短片電影節

10.17 | 三 | 17:10


  “Tesseract” tells the story of ‘Lea’, a 60 year old woman who experiences a true turning point in her life… It investigates and revolves around the abstract meanings of time and especially the ‘classic’ human conditioning of time-space as it was suggested, in western culture, by physicist Albert Einstein.