
焦點影人 Filmmakers in Focus
關妮薇.透納 Guinevere Turner

【游擊女孩俱樂部】Itty Bitty Titty Committee

潔咪.巴比特 Jamie Babbit
2007 墨爾本酷兒影展觀眾票選最佳劇情片
2007 南西南影展最佳劇情片評審團大獎

10.13 | 六 | 18:30
10.16 | 二 | 17:10
10.19 | 五 | 23:20

  本片處處可見「The L Word」的正點演員。18歲的安娜青春正甜,卻像是整個世界都與她作對。她也說不上有什麼非怎樣不可的反抗,被女友甩了只有淡淡的憂傷;女同事對她洗腦整型隆乳之必要,她也沒什麼特別感想。直到某個深夜,她遇見在整型醫院門牆上噴漆塗鴉的女孩莎蒂,開始進入那個帶有秘教氣氛的游擊總部。

  Eighteen-year-old Anna’s life would seem to be going downhill, that is if she felt she had a life at all. She’s running after a cheating girlfriend who dumped her, has the self-esteem of a gnat, and wears an A cup bra in a C cup world in the hilarious comedy, ITTY BITTY TITTY COMMITTEE.


關妮薇.透納 Guinevere Turner
2005/美國/劇情片Fiction/Color/Beta/12 min
2007 南韓首爾女性影展

10.14 | 日 | 10:10
10.16 | 二 | 19:10
10.20 | 六 | 18:00


關妮薇.透納官網 http://www.guinturner.com/

  Writer, filmmaker and actress Guinevere Turner(”The L Word”)and friends try out penises for a day. An eye-opening fantasy in which five members of a lesbian clique make room for an additional member. A provocative and comic consideration of the different ways sex is negotiated.


關妮薇.透納 Guinevere Turner

10.14 | 日 | 10:10
10.16 | 二 | 19:10
10.20 | 六 | 18:00


  Casey is a woman who is newly dating Sam. What she doesn’t notice is that Bee, who has been her friend for years, is madly in love with her. She tells Bee all about the dates she’s been on with Sam, seemingly not noticing how horrendous these dates actually were, except for the fact that Sam has a habit of humming.

【嘜走】Don’t Go

安珀.夏爾普 Amber Sharp

10.14 | 日 | 10:10
10.16 | 二 | 19:10
10.20 | 六 | 18:00


  The pilot episode introduces the intimate story of the lives and loves of a group of friends living in a Los Angeles fourplex.

【超娘女靈媒】Beyond Lovely

希拉莉.哥堡 Hilary Goldberg
2006 米蘭同志國際影展
2005 休士頓同志電影節

10.14 | 日 | 10:10
10.16 | 二 | 19:10
10.20 | 六 | 18:00


希拉莉.哥堡官方網站 http://www.hilarygoldberg.com/

  Lovely(Guinevere Turner), a struggling psychic is contacted by Bruce B.(Vaginal Davis), an ambitious gay spirit bent on fulfilling his earthly desire for a TV show.

【明星大作家】In The Spotlight

希拉莉.哥堡 Hilary Goldberg

10.14 | 日 |10:10
10.16 | 二 |19:10
10.20 | 六 |18:00


  Olive Clutch(Michelle Tea), an aspiring writer, confronts rejection with her own work. At an open mic night, she meets femme fatale Kate Lady Luck(Guinevere Turner)and author Bell Wartock(Clint Catalyst). The pair solicits Olive to be the slightly disguised public persona for Bell's writing.