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HOME > 最新消息 > 光之旅程-新竹市百年影像藝術節

  1. 2011女性影展
  2. 光之旅程-新竹市百年影像藝術節
  3. 百年回眸-華人女影 / 女影華人國際研討會
  4. 心歸屬•新移民 / 移工專題影展
  5. 2011百年女性特展
  6. 2010情色影展
  7. 2010女性影展
  8. 2010庶民影像培訓營
  9. 2009學會活動
  10. 2008學會活動

「筆電即我VJ工作坊」 即日起接受報名!!



「筆電即我」工作坊 即日起接受報名!!

「筆電即我」團隊的兩位總策劃鄭淑麗與Maite Cajaraville,也將引介數位影音表演(AV Live Performance) 的過往與現狀發展, 包括「筆電即我」的女性數位影音藝術家的作品網絡。工作坊開放給所有學員(不限性別),不論在技術上是初階或是進階程度者。此數位影音VJ工作坊將教授拍攝技巧、影像風格、影像編輯、初階以及進階的即時混像軟體(包括:Module 8、Resolume、Processing 、Pure Data)。




上午10點∼下午5點 / 工作坊@多功能視聽室 
晚間7點∼晚間9點 / 演講:筆電即我@放影大廳
10/2 上午10點∼下午5點 / 工作坊@多功能視聽室
10/3 晚間6點∼晚間10點 / 工作坊@多功能視聽室

報名網址: http://www.laptopsrus.me/hsinchu2011/workshop/opencall_ch.html

LaptopsRus VJ tool workshop

VJ tool workshop at Image Museum of Hsinchu Culture Bureau 10:00 - 17:00 October 1, workshop, Multi-functional Audio Video Room 19:00 - 21:00 October 1, presentation/laptopsrus, National Movie Hall 10:00 - 17:00 October 2, workshop, Multi-functional Audio Video Room 18:00 - 22:00 October 3, workshop, Multi-functional Audio Video Room

LAPTOPSRUS holds three day AV live performance workshop at Image Museum of Hsinchu Culture Bureau.

Introduced by LaptopsRus' two directors, Maite cajaraville and Shu Lea Cheang, with a presentation on the history and current practices of the AV live performance, including laptopsRus' woman live performers' network, this AV live performance VJ workshop welcome the students, the practitioners of beginning and advanced skill levels.

During this hands on workshop, we focus on camera technique, shooting style, editing, basic and advanced visual live mixing software (including Module 8, resolume, processing, Pure data). We require the participants to create and live mix 20 minute visual/moving images based on the theme 'wind'. These 3 day worhshop expects to cultivate ready-made live performers. The woman workshop participants are encouraged to join the live performance celebrating Hsinchu Centennial Imaging Art Festival on October 7 at Hsin chu train station plaza.

Joining us! 
Open call:
Question: [email protected]