
情欲奶油球 A Little Ball of Desire

【T家有女初長成】Finn’s Girl

多明妮克.卡多娜/蘿瑞.柯柏 Dominique Cardona/ Laurie Colbert
2007 法國Creteil女性影展

10.14 | 日 | 23:30
10.19 | 五 | 21:20
10.21 | 日 | 10:10


  Dr. Finn Jefferies is a thoroughly modern lesbian-far too feisty and happy to ever bother hiding her sexuality. Her family is pure 21st century: two mothers, two careers and a kid. Nothing had ever rocked Finn's passionate, committed life until the untimely death of her beloved long-term partner, Nancy.


安潔莉娜.瑪卡隆 Angelina Maccarone
2006 盧卡諾影展金豹獎

10.14 | 日 | 19:20
10.16 | 二 | 21:30
10.20 | 六 | 14:20


  As successfully working probation officer Elsa Seifert is totally absorbed by her duties. She is living with Raimar, father of her daughter Daniela. Triggered by her daughter’s moving away, Elsa’s daily routine is disrupted. She no longer believes in habit which has been fine for decades. Instead she opens up toward everything that promises a new intensity of life.

【命中註定要出櫃 】Over the Lezbow

崔真英 CHOI Zin-young
2007 南韓首爾女性影展

10.14 | 日 | 17:10
10.15 | 一 | 19:00
10.18 | 四 | 22:10


  Feeling bored, twenty something Byuk-jang bumps into a fortune teller who makes a significant prediction and gives her a piece of Geida glass. Startling things begin to happen in the world seen through the piece of glass. Byuk-jang, who now can see the inner desires of others, starts her life anew in a search for her identity and happiness.

【滴答搖籃曲】Tick Tock Lullaby

麗莎.葛妮克 Lisa Gornick
2007 法國Creteil女性影展
2007 柏林英國獨立電影節最佳劇情片

10.13 | 六 | 21:00
10.15 | 一 | 23:20
10.21 | 日 | 17:00


  This is a wry comedy about the decision to have a child or not. The film interweaves cartoonist Sasha's drawings with her real life dilemma of whether to change her life's course and become a mother. The more she thinks about it the harder it is– if only she could procreate lustfully and let chance decide.

【性別玩同:茱蒂斯.巴特勒】Judith Butler: Philosophical Encounters of the Third Kind

寶拉.尚德曼 Paule Zajdermann
2007 法國Creteil女性影展

10.12 | 五 | 23:40
10.16 | 二 | 23:30
10.19 | 五 | 16:50


  Professor of rhetoric and comparative literature at UC Berkeley, muse of the queer movement, Judith Butler is one of the foremost theorists of Gender Studies. Petite and boyish-looking, with a resolute bearing, she laughs and jokes a lot. She's alert, a lively speaker with the confident gestures of those used to talking in public, whether about activism, teaching methods or fiery speeches.

【兩個女人與一個男人】Two Women and a Man

羅伊.羅森 Roee Rosen
2007 法國Creteil女性影展
2006 奧柏豪森影展榮特別推薦獎

10.12 | 五 | 23:40
10.16 | 二 | 23:30


  Israeli artist Roee Rosen had dedicated some six years to his invented persona, the Jewish Belgian artist and pornographer Justine Frank(1900-1943). Frank, infamous for her concoction of Jewish motifs and explicit erotica, was active amongst both the French Surrealists and, later, the Jewish community in Palestine before the establishment of Israel, managing to provoke anger and hostility in both scenes.